I have put up an initial release on the OntoGraf visualization plugin for Protégé 4.1.
Also, I created a demonstration video. There’s a high resolution one available here and I also uploaded a version to YouTube, which you can watch below. The YouTube one is a bit blurry unless you switch it to the 720 HD version.
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The plugin is absolutely awesome! Thanks for you great work.
One feature I would love to see in future versions is exporting the current view to an image file – perhaps with labels next to relationships.
Thanks Michal. I'll put that request on my todo :-).
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Thank you Sean for a fantastic plugin. I have not investigated the implementation but I have used it in the latest Protege 4.1 beta, and forgive me if this sounds too much like a newbie question: is it possible (maybe with some tweaking) to use the OntoGraf resource for rendering ontologies from a web portal? I've thought of using the Bioportal FlexViz approach but I don't want to spend the money on Adobe Flash.
Bill Dickinson
It's probably technically possible, but I don't think it would be a great solution. To use the actual OntoGraf plugin on the web, it would have to be converted into an applet or use Java's web start stuff. Then there would be a lot of issues with the Protege dependencies.
Alternatively, you could use just the graphing and layout library and load your ontology information whatever way is most convenient. But that still would be less than ideal.
You could use FlexViz, but extend it via Javascript rather than writing Flex code. The Bio-Mixer application does this, http://lgrammel.blogspot.com/2010/04/bio-mixer-biomedical-ontology-mashup.html
They re-style FlexViz, add nodes, edges, etc. all from Javascript. That would get your around the issue of purchasing Flex.
Dear Sean,
Thank you for your advice and quick response. I will investigate Bio-Mixer whcih I have not heard of. I know that Nick Drummond (Manchester) created an ontology browser with REST services which I believe is also at the foundation of FlexViz, but it does not have the dynamic rendering provided by OntoGraf.
Bill Dickinson