
Sean and his dog

Come for the jokes, stay for the nonsense. This site contains my ramblings about programming, developer relations, stuff I’m working on, and the occasional machine learning/data mining pop culture mashup.


Latest stories

Practice Sessions – Week 3


We had our third week of practice last night. Approximately 10 people were there, so the numbers are staying consistent. I’m hoping that we’ll have about 15 for the competition on the 31st. Ian Bull showed up at the beginning to talk about the Google Summer of Code project. He participated last year and is possibly mentoring this coming summer. We both thought the club members might...

TopCoder – SRM 433


I competed in SRM 433 on TopCoder this morning. It didn’t go all that well. I solved the first problem quickly, although I could have been a little faster. The problem was to minimize an expression S = A1*B1 + A2*B2 + … AN*BN, where A and B are vectors of integers and you can re-order A in anyway you choose. The solution is simple, sort both vectors, one in ascending order and one in...

First post! Becoming the coach.


Through 2003 to 2005 I participated in the ACM ICPC university programming competitions for the University of New Brunswick. I made the world finals in both 2003 and 2005. Participating and training for these competitions are some of my most vivid and fun memories from my undergraduate years. I learned more about algorithms, data structures, language syntax, attention to detail, and problem...

Get in touch

I write about programming, developer relations, technology, startup life, occasionally Survivor, and really anything that interests me.